While Pondering the Message of Christmas

While Pondering the Message of Christmas

My bishop pulled me into his office and asked me to speak about Mary the Sunday before Christmas to our congregation. He quoted a scripture that I am going to mention in a moment and as he did he got emotional. That struck me. I immediately felt humbled that he felt...
A Hard Home Life

A Hard Home Life

I’ve been thinking a lot about this little guy lately. It was his simple story that brought me to a sad reality. You see, a mission trip is different than you’d think – at least for me it was. I’ve mentioned my overactive tear ducts before, and...
All She Wanted Was a Bed

All She Wanted Was a Bed

We love this message shared by Shelene Bryan. She had been paying $25 a month to support two children in Africa but wondered if the money was really getting to those children. She decided to step outside her comfort zone and fly, alone, to Africa. You will be amazed...