The REAL Behind Real Imprints

Fun Ride

This has been one of the funnest rides I’ve ever been on…and a ride it has been! I don’t know the future for Real Imprints, but I can’t deny God’s hand in getting this website started. It may be to change one life, and if that is the case, we’ve been successful because I really believe in the power of one, but it may also be to change many lives…to give hope to many! This life is a crazy ride and at some point in our lives, we will be holding on for dear life and wondering when the roller coaster is going to end! My hope is that Real Imprints can help us enjoy the ride and find purpose and peace by helping others enjoy the ride as well.

I’ve found myself worrying about a couple things and so I just wanted to be REAL with you. I wanted all of you to know why we are doing what we are doing, and what we are hoping to do in the future. So here is goes…

This can be a sensitive subject. Everyone wants to know where their donations are going, and some people don’t like to see ads on blogs and it bothers them when it’s too commercial. I have felt all of these feelings at one point or another so I wanted to put everything out on the table so you have no questions. I have learned a lot through this process.

This website started from a couple simple thoughts. I wanted a place to collect good and inspiring things for my girls to have, and I wanted people to be able to share the “real” parts of their lives that make them who they are.  It’s really important to me that you know that money is not and hasn’t ever been the motivation behind starting this website. I wish I had a savvy business mind, but I just don’t:-) The motivation has always been to bless lives – those that share their story, those who see the website, and those we are able to bless through service. Life is not easy. We want a place people can be real about their trials and challenges and connect with others who have dealt with similar challenges, as well as a place people can feel hope and inspiration! If one story leaves an imprint on one life, it is well worth it. That is why we are doing this.

Having said that, ARE we motivated to make money? YES! Money will open up many doors for our “Imprint Opportunities”.  We will be able to bless more lives, reach more people, and spread more love! It’s amazing how fast money can go out, and when it’s not coming in, there becomes a problem.:-) So all donations will 100% go toward Imprint Opportunities and blessing other’s lives, but we do need money to make this work. So we are hoping through ads we can cover our costs, and through donations, we can bless many through the Real Imprint Opportunities!

Our hope is to eventually make Real Imprints into a Nonprofit so that it benefits those donating as well! We are just taking baby steps…unfortunately, there are only 24 hours in a day, and the worst part is we have to sleep some of those hours:-)

Spreading the Word:

There are 2 basic reasons why spreading the word is so important!… 1) The more that know, the more we can bless 2) We need stories submitted and the more that know, the more stories we’ll get. We need your help with this! It’s been amazing to see how stories trickle in just in time…it’s one way I’ve seen the Lord’s hand in this, but in order for us to continue to get stories, we need to continue to spread the word. If people don’t know about it, they don’t have the option to share their story, and a story that could bless one, or many, may be left untold!

(Deep Breath) That feels better. I didn’t want this to come across as some big business venture. It has been a full-time job getting this together, and I would have never thought my little thought to start a blog to gather inspirational things for my girls would have snowballed into this, but I am so excited about the opportunities and possibilities for Real Imprints. This website/organization is only possible because of all of you! If we all unite to make a difference for good, we could bless many lives.

Thank you for your support and patience as we work through the kinks! We are learning and hopefully will be able to learn the quick way:-)

I seriously love all of you and are so grateful for you jumping onboard and becoming an “Imprinter”, and look forward to riding this amazing and rewarding ride with you!


This article appeared first on Real Imprints.