Help Them Come Home

Help Bring Them Home

Be a part of bringing Ammon and Joseph home!

These cute boys are ready to be part of a family and their family is ready for them to be home! The only thing between them is $3000. Everything is complete and ready! It’s been incredible to see the faith of these boys’ parents. With $8,000 remaining to raise to make it possible, the Brown family put their faith and trust in Heavenly Father, took a step into the dark, and made their travel plans anyways. They knew God would provide…and they were right! God has provided and people have given generously! Their travel date is 2 weeks away and they still need $3,000. Please help us help them! Real Imprints is going to donate 100% of all the proceeds made by selling our “I can do hard things” blocks! You can also donate directly to the Browns Adoption HERE! If you’d like your donation to be tax deductible, please send it to WACAP.

Name in the memo: Song Shu Jian
315 S. Second St.
Renton, WA 98057

Deadlines are quickly approaching for the Browns so you can also phone in a donation. There is a 3% charge, but it will help ensure they are able to pay by their deadlines. The phone number is 206-575-4550.

I love this tribute to the Brown family. They truly are a family that is willing to do hard things and to sacrifice anything monetarily to have a family. They went so long with the pain of not being able to have kids. Their story of getting to their boys is heartbreaking, but now they have found how their family was intended to grow. Although it’s not easy and it’s not typical, they are willing and excited to add to their family!

Their two boys, Gabrielle and Asa, that are already home, pull on my heartstrings every single time I see them. Their hearts are so big! They know what it’s like to endure things kids shouldn’t have to endure and they want to help other orphans and bring their brothers home as soon as possible!

