Guatemala 2016 Sneak Peak

I’m dying to share this with you! It tells the story of our Guatemala trip in just a few short minutes. The second the music started playing and the pictures started scrolling through, all my emotions came flooding back and the tears wouldn’t stop. Coming home from a trip like this during Christmas time was mostly sweet. I was reminded what was important, I was able to spend extra time with my family, I was able to set aside the fluff and added extras that I usually have a hard time setting aside. I had a strong desire to make this Christmas different, I wanted it to be simple and real. I wanted to focus on what matters most.

I didn’t do Christmas cards (which shocked my husband because he knows how much I love to give and get those), I didn’t blog, I didn’t do some of the projects that usually consume me and my time. We simplified gifts, and we spent more time together. It was wonderful! I was emotionally and mentally present this year! I definitely felt a difference in my home this Christmas and New Years season. One of the most precious lessons the Guatemalan people and culture taught me was to slow down and focus on what matters most.

The consequence of slowing down and taking some time off is that I haven’t been able to share all the beautiful stories of our trip yet! Our town is currently undergoing a record breaking “snowpocalypse” that has stretched Christmas break out an extra week and it looks like there is more in the forecast! So with my post Christmas, sugar recovering, cooped up children, I will do my best to get some posts up, but until then, I hope this short video will give you a piece of our story, that words can’t express.

A special thank you to Laury Smith from our Real Imprints team for the priceless pictures and video!