I have often said my life would be MUCH less crazy if I didn’t have so many creative ideas running rampant in my head! Some days I wish I didn’t have so many interests. I LOVE crafts, sewing, scrap booking, writing, singing, cooking, reading, home decorating, organizing, etc. and the outlet they provide for my creativity and soul. I cannot imagine what life would it be like if I didn’t have any hobbies or skills except for maybe just ONE??! That would surely cut down on my time management problems!
Don’t get me wrong…I am very thankful and delighted, actually, to have so many varied interests, and I am content and happy when I have the opportunity to immerse myself in one of my hobbies for an hour or so.
When I was in my early 20s, a co-worker shared a little phrase with me that I have never forgotten and the longer I live, I have found it’s very true. She was a little flustered one day and was heading out of the office earlier than usual (we worked for a video production company and she was one of the creative heads. She told me she was going to the library. I gave her a puzzled look and she simply said, “I just need some time to fill my well.”
After mulling over her words in my brain, I finally came to understand what she was getting at. I remember being struck by this idea that even creative, successful people need some down time to sit and read or flip through magazines or scour Pinterest! Even creative people need time to rejuvenate and be inspired with a store of fresh, new ideas. Sometimes the greatest ideas come from just a little inspiration.
As a stay-at-home mother of three young children, I have found it increasingly hard to find that time for “me” and filling MY well. Instead, it seems my days are filled with laundry, picking up Legos, homework, packing lunches, church responsibilities and the always niggling thought of “what’s for dinner?” Any free time I may stumble upon is usually clouded with having to decide which project I would like to spend time on for that hour! Because, let’s face it…there’s ALWAYS something else we could do with our free time to catch up or get ahead on housework!
But, as with anything worth doing, it’s good to take a time out and break away from normal duties, even if it’s just for 20 minutes. It’s a time of reassessment. Refocusing. Recharging. At least for me it is. I’m just a creative person. It oozes from my pores, and I simply can’t help it.
I’m serious. I have tried NOT to be creative and I just CAN’T do it. It’s how God made me!
I love a good craft and it makes my soul smile when I find time to create something.
How must God feel about you and me? We are His creations and He cares deeply for each of us.
I was recently reminded of how special we are to God as I read in Luke 12:22-31. The verses talk about considering the lilies of the field and the birds of the air. How awesome to think that God cares greatly about lilies, even though their beauty only lasts for a short time in spring. How comforting to know He cares for the birds and makes sure they have food.
So, how much MORE must He care about me? Ponder that for a while.
It’s a heavy yet wonderful thought.
Each one of us is FULL of potential and worth in God’s eyes. I believe that’s why we have dreams and goals. Because we are created in His image. He gives us those ideas and it would be a shame, even a waste, not to pursue them (in moderation, of course).
God is creator of ALL and any ounce of creativity I find in myself, pleases me greatly, because it reminds me that I am like my Heavenly Father in some small way.
I no longer shun those moments of wanting to be creative, chiding myself that perhaps they are selfish or “time-wasters.” I celebrate the fact that God has given me talents and skills and interests and He is overjoyed when I use them for His glory. Yes, I am a wife and mom first. But I have realized I can inspire others just by using those skills and abilities in my daily life. And I fill my well with that joy.
As a child, Kimberly Taylor would never….could never…sit still. Even now, as a full-fledged grown-up, she still finds it hard to “sit still” mentally. She is always thinking of new ideas and projects through which to channel her creativity, whether through painting, sewing, scrapbooking, decorating, singing or writing. She recently self-published her first children’s book, “Cat Skills.” Homegrown in southeastern Michigan, she now lives in North Carolina with her husband and three young children…who also never sit still.
This post appeared first on Real Imprints