To That ONE Boy

To That ONE Boy

I found myself on the verge of tears this morning as I did the dishes.  I couldn’t stop thinking about the story I’d heard from my son last night. He made the JV basketball team!  As overjoyed as I am for him, I’m also somewhat sad.  Not for him, but...
Volcano Moments

Volcano Moments

Years ago my sister called from another state. “How are you?” She asked. “Good.” “What are you doing?” “I’m building a volcano with my kids!” “Wow!  You are such a great mom.  I don’t think I’ve...
Celebrate the Little Things

Celebrate the Little Things

As the first month of school comes to an end I can see that we’ve settled into a nice routine.  Kids wake up, get dressed, have breakfast, make their lunches, and leave for school.  I spend my hours entertaining my lone child at home (so weird!), cleaning,...
Miscarriage:  Not “No Big Deal”

Miscarriage: Not “No Big Deal”

It’s been almost two years since my first miscarriage.  Never having had a miscarriage before I’d had the preconceived notion that it was no big deal.  I mean that not in the uncaring sense of those words (though they sound so cruel even as I type them),...
Feeling Vulnerable!

Feeling Vulnerable!

Remember the first day of high school?  How scary, overwhelming, exciting and nerve-wracking it all felt? What about the last day of high school!? What a party!  How that insecurity changed to confidence in those four short years. I’ve been thinking a lot about...